2025 Mentor-Mentee Games


This year we will be kicking off our Mentor/Mentee program with an in-person game at:

The Villa

Wednesday, January 29th

6:00PM - Meet your partner over Pizza and Salad (free)
6:30PM - Let's Pay Bridge!  (Mentors free / Mentees $12)


Our unit has been running a monthly online mentor/mentee game throughout the Covid lockdown and beyond.  This year we will be kicking off the year with a mentor/mentee in-person event at The Villa with a pizza and salad dinner and game on Wednesday, January 29th.  We hope that many of our newcomers and experienced players alike will join us for a fantastic evening of fun and bridge!  It will be a great opportunity for some of our more experienced players to meet and enjoy playing with newer members, and for those newer members to play at our fabulous new club venue at The Villa!

For those of you who do not know too much about our mentor/mentee program, most mentees have fewer than 150 masterpoints.  In most cases, those with more than 150 points qualify as mentors.  We also have a few very advanced mentors who will play with our advanced mentees, even those with more than 150 masterpoints. 

In the past, we have always had the mentee pay for both themselves and their mentor to play, but as a special treat for the first game of the year, we are going to have the mentees pay just for themselves ($12) and the mentors play for free!  We hope this will encourage a lot of our more accomplished players to join us for the evening and play with some of our newcomers and less experienced players.

Pizza and salad will begin at 6:00 with game time starting at 6:30.  As we have done in the past, we will have each mentee play with a mentor, but we are hoping to have enough newcomers with under 20 master points interested in playing so we can have a small, special game just for them! 

If you would like to play, please send me an email (see below), whether you have mentioned to me that you would like to play or not.  Depending on the success of this event, we will then make a decision for future mentor/mentee games, whether we play some of them online or more in-person games.

You do not need to be an ACBL member to play. But you can sign up for a free ACBL membership here. This includes a 4-month free membership and the chance to join ACBL for only $29 for the first year.


Contact kitunit498@gmail.com to be added to our list

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