April Unitizer

San Mateo Unit 498                  April  2024 

The Unitizer 
Message from the President…
Janice Carter

Hello Unit 498 members!  Please meet Kai Eckert, our Unit Game Coordinator!  In addition to running our games, he produces YouTube training “shorts” videos for ACBL! YouTube’s ACBL channel is a good source of information for bridge players.  



There is a lively in-person Open game Wednesday nights at the Villa directed by Jenny Kuhn. We play 24 boards starting at 6:30. Come join the fun.


Director Jenny Kuhn launched the weekly EasyBridge 1 series on Wednesdays, 9:00-11:00am, at The Villa in San Mateo.  In addition, starting mid April, Jenny will hold a monthly face to face tournament for newer players, 6:30pm to 9:00pm at The Villa.  If you are an ACBL member, you will have a chance to earn real Masterpoints!  Contact Jenny at jkuhn@peninsuladbc.com to register. 


We kicked off our 2024 Longest Day fundraising with a wine auction at our February 24th and March 30th unit games!  We are raising funds to support the worthy cause of Alzheimer’s research and to support those living with Alzheimer’s.

Last year we were recognized for raising over $34,000!  We would like to top that if we can! If you have any fundraising ideas or would like to be part of the Longest Day committee, please contact Barbara Lewis (blewis341@gmail.com) or Marie Pattie (mppattie@gmail.com).


The next Unit Game is at 12:15 on Saturday, April 13, at the Villa. There will be a 499 and an Open Game, with lunch provided before the game.

We have had 2 Unit Games since the last Unitizer. On the February 24th We had 8 tables in the open and 5.5 tables in the 499er. We had our first effort toward our Longest Day Fundraiser this year with a wine raffle. Thanks to Janelle Van Rensselaer, Marie Pattie, and Jeanne Urich for working hard to make it possible. A major thanks to Fred Chasalow for donating all of that wine for the raffle.Congratulations to all of the wine winners!

And now a Toast to our Bridge Victors: 
Open N/S: Fred Chasalow-Janelle Van Rensselaer (58%)
Open E/W: Claude Hughes-Anne Javer (60.71%)
499er N/S: Susan Galletta-Carol Lashman (54.42%)
499er E/W: Gail Cameron-Lauren Rosen (63.50%)

In our March 30th Unit Game, we had 9 tables in the open and 4 tables in the 499er with 7 people joining us who we have not seen before! Keep letting your Bridge friends know about our friendly Bridge community! We had another wine Auction thanks to the amazing Fred Chasalow, Janelle Van Rensselaer and Marie Pattie! 

The Winners were:
Open N/S: Art Quey and Kai Eckert (71.9%)
Open E/W: Genie Reynolds and Jeff Reynolds (60.27%)
Sadly, the Results in the 499er Section were irrecoverable and there is no winner.


Congratulations to Fran Gonek and Kit Morse who led the five-table field in our February Mentor/Mentee Game. Tying for second were the teams of Janice Carter and Pete Goldsmith and Kathy Wheeler and Rita Armstrong.

In March, Mili Delbecq and Mark Sorenson came out on top with a 65.74% game.  Julie Navid and Jennifer Kuhn came in second, followed closely by Mary Smith and Marcus Ballinger.

Thanks to all who participated in our first three Mentor/Mentee games of 2024.  Our next three games will be on April 25th, May 23rd, and June 27th.  If you would like to be involved in next quarters’ games as a Mentor or Mentee, we would love to have you!  Please contact Lauren Rosen to get involved:   LRosen498@gmail.com


Register now for Unit 498’s Non-Life Master Sectional (under 750 MPs), May 4th, at The Villa at San Mateo, 4000 S. El Camino, San Mateo.  Please contact Carol Lashman with any questions.


Congratulations to the following members for their achievements:

Chris Carlton
Margie Klapper

Ann Horstmann
Toni Middleton

Sandra Fricke

Siuling Ku
Sue Friedenback

Lucy Ballard


January 13: January Unit Game
February 24: February Unit Game
March 30: March Unit Game

April 13: April Unit Game
May 4: Non-Life Master Sectional
May 25: May Unit Game
June 22: June Unit Game and Longest Day
July 6: July Unit Game
August 3-4: San Mateo County Summer Sectional
August 17: August Unit Game
September 7: September Unit Game
September 28: Non-Life Master Sectional
October 12: October Unit Game
November 9: November Unit Game
December 14: December Unit Game

The 2024 Board of Directors

Please feel free to contact any of us with questions or suggestions.

Janice Carter, President
Lauren Rosen, Vice President & Mentor-Mentee Program
Rita Armstrong, Treasurer
Carl Ebeling, Secretary
Kai Eckert, Unit Game Coordinator
Barbara Lewis, Membership & Longest Day
Carol Lashman, Non-Life Masters Sectionals
Kit Morse, Director
Danna Sorensen, Past President


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